12/02/2020 / By Ramon Tomey
A conservative activist said signature verification is the most important part of Georgia’s election recount. Tea Party Patriots co-founder Jenny Beth Martin mentioned during an American Thought Leaders appearance that inspecting signatures on 1.3 million absentee ballots cast is among the recount’s “most important” aspects.
Martin told the Epoch Times‘ Jan Jekielek during her appearance: “There are some other pieces that may come to light. Right now, I do think the most important part is going to be looking at the signatures.” She continued: “We need an audit of the signatures on the absentee ballot envelopes … to make sure that those signatures match the absentee ballot application. [Also,] the absentee ballot application [should match] the signature on file from the voter registration or … [the] driver’s license signature.”
The activist’s comments came amid reports of vote fraud in Georgia, a key battleground state where Democratic nominee Joe Biden won. The allegations prompted President Donald Trump’s campaign to demand a recount of the votes there. Georgia allows voters to request an absentee ballot without requiring a reason, which 1.3 million residents made use of to avoid contracting COVID-19.
While Martin did not imply a “widespread conspiracy” in place, she expressed concern that many of the absentee ballots might have been counted without the same “tight inspection” that had been in place in the past polls. “Right now, I think that there is reason to believe that [absentee ballot counting] may not have been done properly. So I think’s it’s very important that we have an audit of all of those signatures to make sure that the ballots … being counted were actually legally cast,” she said.
The activist pointed out the apparently very low rejection rate and high participation rate for absentee voting in Georgia. She commented: “The rejection rate for the absentee ballots was much lower in this election cycle than in previous [ones.] So we had more absentee ballots and fewer rejections. Also, the voter turnout itself was so high – that it was the highest as a percentage of eligible voters in 120 years. That is really unusual.” (Related: Vote count “error” uncovered in Georgia increased Biden votes by 10x.)
Martin added that the statisticians she talked to regarding the matter found the numbers alarming and anomalous.
Thus, she reiterated that an audit of the signatures is needed now more than ever as it clarifies any issue as to who won the elections. “What happened to President Trump for four years is [that] the other side kept saying: ‘He was not legitimately elected president.’ And here in Georgia, there’s a fairly simple way to take care of this. Were the ballots … cast in the absentee manner and mailed in [done so] legally? Go check those signatures.”
When Jekielek asked Martin if she has seen any issue that could turn the state’s election results in favor of Trump, she answered that it will depend on getting access to the signatures on absentee ballots.
Signature verification is one of the key steps to maintain the integrity of absentee voting, which a number of key swing states adapted in light of the coronavirus pandemic.
However, an Oct. 23 ruling by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court said ballots must be counted even if the signature on them does not match that of the registered voter on file. The state high court’s ruling affirmed a decision made by election officials that matching signatures on the ballots and those on the voter file was not necessary. (Related: No signature match? No postmark? No problemo! It’s this week in ballot shenanigans…)
Meanwhile in Nevada, the state’s former Attorney General Adam Laxalt said the signature verification standard there was reduced to a mere 40 percent. This move permitted hundreds of thousands of ballots to be counted despite missing signatures – which suggested that more than half of Nevada’s ballots are illegitimate votes, according to Laxalt.
Stay updated with the latest news about election fraud in battleground states at VoteFraud.news.
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Tagged Under:
absentee ballots, absentee voting, ballot fraud, ballot signatures, ballot verification, corruption, Democratic Party, Donald Trump, election fraud, Election Recount, Electoral Fraud, Georgia, Jan Jekielek, Jenny Beth Martin, Joe Biden, mail in voting, mail-in ballots, signature verification, Tea Party Patriots, The Epoch Times, vote fraud
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