10/02/2023 / By Ethan Huff
An insider who spent decades working in the “belly of the beast” over at the United Nations (UN) and World Health Organization (WHO), and who knows full well how utterly corrupt these two globalist bodies have become, is coming forward to tell all about what she observed while working behind the curtain.
Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger of AstridStuckelberger.com joined the Health Ranger this week to discuss various matters related to the true secret agenda of the UN and WHO, which have veered greatly from their original stated mission of helping to lift the poor and lowly out of their poverty.
A true expert with a variety of multidisciplinary skills, Dr. Stuckelberger dealt with mental health issues at the WHO before eventually joining the faculty of medicine in Geneva, Switzerland, which she says is ground zero – even more so than New York City – for the UN and the WHO to plot out their goals for what we now know to be world domination.
Dr. Stuckelberger spent about 30 years conducting research in public health and preventive medicine, as well as three years at the WHO specifically dealing with pandemic preparedness management and the implementation of global health regulations that came into effect between 2008 and 2013.
She has seen it all, and after dealing with both the good and the bad within these two globalist bodies, Dr. Stuckelberger has a whole lot to say about what she described to the Health Ranger as “many contradictions at the UN” concerning the differences between its stated mission and its true secret mission – watch the interview in full from Brighteon.com below:
(Related: Did you know that communist China is all ready to go in unleashing COVID 2.0?)
One of the things Dr. Stuckelberger really seemed to focus on throughout the interview is the fact that throughout her tenure at the UN and the WHO, she observed plenty of good, ethical people with a lot to offer get canned and replaced with “devilish” people who are not only incompetent but also evil when it comes to their vision for the world.
Dr. Stuckelberger saw first-hand how, especially beginning around 2016 when Donald Trump was running for president, there was a big push both at the UN and throughout academia to remove all the good guys and replace them with bad guys – these same bad guys, she revealed, are the ones who were allowed to develop and sell Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines,” or what she described as “biotech weapons.”
Over time since 2016, the UN and the WHO have been slowly rooting out everyone with good intentions and replacing them with the worst of the worst. Dr. Stuckelberger explained that one of the ways they do this is by harassing and discriminating against the good guys by never allowing them to teach or rise to the top.
“They cut off all my courses,” she explained about what she is personally having to endure because of her stance, “but I don’t mind because it’s more important to go with your gut and your spirit than to be with the devil.”
“Never could I accept their offer” to turn to the dark side, she added, “and they know that very well.”
Be sure to watch the full interview above, and also check out Dr. Stuckelberger’s website: AstridStuckelberger.com.
The latest news about the ongoing globalist operations of the UN and the WHO can be found at Tyranny.news.
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Tagged Under:
Astrid Stuckelberger, biological weapons, biowar, bioweapons, corruption, COVID, deep state, depopulation, dictatorship, evil, genocide, Globalism, health freedom, national security, pandemic, Suppressed, Twisted, Tyranny, UN, vaccines, whistle-blower, WHO
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