News & Articles By Tracey Watson
By Tracey Watson
McDonald’s says providing antibiotic-free beef “too quickly” will cause meat shortages
McDonald’s is the single biggest purchaser of beef in the U.S. and is also a major pork buyer. This fact bestows a serious responsibility upon the company, since misuse of antibiotics in the agricultural sector has led to antibiotic resistance, placing mankind on the brink of what the United Nations calls a “post-antibiotic era.” Over 2 […]
By Tracey Watson
Scientists shocked to discover how many people are dying from Volkswagen’s toxic emissions every year
A new study by researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), published in the journal Environmental Research Letters, has examined the impact of toxic emissions from the 2.6 million vehicles produced by Volkswagen in Germany. Scientists looked at the risk of premature death directly linked to the pollutants released into the air by these […]
By Tracey Watson
Former senior EPA scientist confirms that fluoride lowers the IQ of children
The United States started adding fluoride to its drinking water soon after the end of the Second World War, and for over 70 years, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has confidently asserted that this practice is necessary to prevent tooth decay. Interestingly, the U.S. is one of very few countries that still […]
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