economic collapse
By JD Heyes
Is the Trump-tied global market crash the Health Ranger predicted about to happen?
As the discredited, lying, #fakenews Washington media continue to generate stories targeting President Donald J. Trump, using unsubstantiated “leaks” from “anonymous” sources and attacking him and his administration every hour on the hour, one thing has become abundantly clear: As Jake Novak of CNBC adroitly notes, the assault against this president has all the markings […]
By JD Heyes
Insider warns of financial Armageddon that will lock down the banks and ATM’s leaving most penniless
In the weeks before the Nov. 8 elections, Natural News founder/editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, warned that if then-GOP nominee Donald J. Trump won, the Deep State would work against him to crash the U.S. economy so he would take the blame. Adams wrote: Very soon after Trump takes office, the globalist criminal bankers […]
By D. Samuelson
Gerald Celente explains why the mainstream media now joins the trash heap of history
Gerald Celente describes himself as a “political atheist.” He is not a fan of conventional wisdom, television pundits or liars. Nearing 70 years of age, he’s still a one man powerhouse who tells it as he sees it. As a truth seeker’s truth seeker, Celente’s ability to spot and forecast future trends before they happen is […]
By Don Wrightman
Don’t stop prepping just because Trump won… get ready for the massive financial crash of 2017
Donald Trump is set to take office in late January after his historic November victory. Although he has appealed heavily to Americans concerned with America’s well being, we shouldn’t be celebrating just yet. There’s only so much Trump can do while he holds office. We have a lot of issues and looming disasters that might […]
By Don Wrightman
A massive market crash is coming in 2017 … The Fed will begin the unraveling by raising interest rates in December
We have seen the worst bond crash in 15 years following the election of Donald Trump. Global bond investors have seen trillions of their dollars wiped out since the November 8th result. Analysts continue to issue warnings of tough times ahead of us. The investing community believes that a Trump administration will make for much […]
By Kurt Nimmo
First Presidential Debate: Actual Reason for our Staggering National Debt Ignored
During the debate on Monday rivals Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump offered more of the same in the way of proposed economic solutions for America. Trump declared he will prevent corporations from leaving the country. He said his proposed tax reductions will put an end to the flood or companies leaving. “That’s going to be […]
By D. Samuelson
Who’s ready for the $6 TRILLION pension implosion that could shake retirees nationwide?
In 2012, Consumer Reports penned an article about the serious underfunding affecting the pensions of both private and public sector employees. In it, they warned that workers in both categories “might not get everything [they’ve] earned.” The article did assure private sector workers that being “vested” meant their pension assets were guaranteed by federal law, unless their employee went bankrupt, or the […]
By Kurt Nimmo
Federal debt and deficit set to destroy middle class
Near zero interest rates, known as ZIRP in Federal Reserve parlance, have made a staggering US national debt relatively easy to handle. Despite low interest rates, however, an increase in spending will add to the burden of addressing a burgeoning deficit. On Tuesday, the government released a report that blames lower-than-expected tax revenues for a […]
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