By Mike Adams
The Nazis weren’t defeated… they went underground and now run CANADA and the WORLD, pushing eugenics and depopulation agendas aligned with Adolf Hitler
The Third Reich never really ended. Although Hitler himself was destroyed, the Nazi regime of the 1920s / 30s / 40s simply went underground and morphed into a global movement of infiltration and influence that’s now emerging as “globalism.” The World Economic Forum is the training ground for modern-day Nazis, who include national leaders Macron […]
By Ethan Huff
EXPOSED: Bill Gates bribed media with $319 million to promote his interests: Vaccines, depopulation and covid hysteria
MintPress has released the findings of an extensive investigation into the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which revealed that the billionaire eugenicists, and Bill specifically, has contributed at least $319 million to the mainstream media to promotes his genocidal endeavors. Among the recipients of Gates’ bribe money are CNN, NBC, NPR, PBS and The Atlantic. Gates’ […]
By Ethan Huff
Indians DROP DEAD from starvation thanks to Bill Gates’ food rationing biometrics system
Few people know this but back in 2017, rural India implemented a digital biometrics food rationing system called Aadhaar that was thrust upon the country by none other than billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates. And many Indians have since died because of this genocidal tool. Aadhaar was built by Gates using a social credit scoring model […]
By Ethan Huff
Fauci’s policies are KILLING 10,000 children a month, plunging tens of millions of people into abject poverty and starvation all around the world
Do black lives matter to Tony Fauci? Not in the slightest. His Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) policies are killing tens of thousands of black children per month, it turns out. Fauci does not care about white lives either, just to be clear. But the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), which focuses primarily on non-white lives, released […]
By Mike Adams
After the GENOCIDE: Will there be enough VACCINE SURVIVORS to rebuild civilization?
The vaccine holocaust is now beginning to produce mass casualties around the world, with post-vaccine deaths skyrocketing across America and many other nations. Recent VAERS data reveal 70 deaths per day among vaccinated Americans, and reliable projections of the VAERS reporting require us to multiply this by around 40 to achieve real-world numbers. This puts […]
By Mike Adams
VAXSSASSINATION: How globalists convinced BILLIONS of people to exterminate themselves with biological weapons presented as “vaccines”
It’s all now incredibly clear. Everything we’ve been watching over the last 20 months has been a globalist-led effort to convince billions of people to exterminate themselves without them knowing it. See, waging an open kinetic war on humanity would meet instant resistance. People tend to fight back when they’re being attacked and slaughtered with […]
By Ethan Huff
New documentary film “TrustWHO” exposes Bill Gates for bankrolling global genocide programs
Lilian Franck has put out a new documentary film called “TrustWHO” that exposes billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates as the world’s number-one financier of terrorism and genocide. The way Franck frames it is that Gates is the primary contributor to the World Health Organization (WHO), the “public health” arm of the globalist United Nations. Were it […]
By News Editors
As a ‘Big Pharma’ induced medical catastrophe unfolds across America, radical leftist threatens to ‘treat Republicans like Nazis did the Jews’ and ‘be as murderous as possible’
While Robert W Malone, MD is definitely not a ‘household name’, he should be. (Article by Stefan Stanford republished from The actual inventor of the mRNA injection that big pharma is now mass producing in their attempts to ‘fight Covid’ according to Wikipedia, Dr. Malone is now blowing up the ‘twitter-verse’ with one tweet after another ripping the globalists ‘vaccines are the answer […]
By Mike Adams
Depopulation globalist Melinda Gates already pushing experimental COVID-19 vaccines on “people of color” as the target group to vaccinate first
A friend texted me a short message this morning. “You called it!” That’s because just a few days after I said the COVID-19 vaccine would be used to target black people with a depopulation “kill switch” injection, Melinda Gates came right out and stated that the new vaccines should be administered with a priority preference […]
By Ethan Huff
Bill Gates running deadly global “vaccine empire” that can only exist through extreme censorship of real science and intelligent questions about vaccine safety
The reason why Microsoft co-founder and billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates is being given so much airtime amid the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis is because Gates is currently the world’s largest manufacturer of vaccines, as well as the money behind the mass vaccination agenda. Gates is also the single-largest donor to both the World Health Organization […]
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