By JD Heyes
Snopes trying to redefine the word “terrorist” so that it fits a Left-wing narrative about Black Lives Matter
By now, it ought to be patently obviously that America’s founding and every aspect of our traditions and culture are under vicious, relentless assault by Democrat Marxists who hate our country and want nothing more than to bring it down. Academia, primary education, entertainment, music, the arts, the pop culture, and even professional sports — […]
By Ethan Huff
Facebook now being used to coordinate left-wing terrorist attacks on U.S. cities… while tech giants ban CONSERVATIVES who demand law and order
Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM) are reportedly in the process of trying to retake the Seattle “CHAZ” (Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone), as well as occupy new “autonomous zones” across the United States. And aiding them in this insurrection is none other than Facebook, which is now openly facilitating domestic terrorism while actively censoring conservatives […]
By News Editors
Apple, Google, Amazon, Walmart back BLM cause with multi-million dollar donations
The far-left Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement has risen to unprecedented levels of mainstream acceptance over the past few months, thanks in no small part to the overwhelming number of endorsements, at times accompanied by significant donations it has received from major brands and corporations. (Article by Calvin Freiburger republished from Brands endorsing BLM include: Viacom […]
By Ethan Huff
ALERT: Free healthcare for illegals would annihilate America with an unstoppable land invasion of impoverished masses
The several dozen Democrats currently vying for the presidency in 2020 seem to be trying to out-crazy each other by promising the most outlandish things if they’re elected, including free healthcare for illegal aliens. But a former presidential adviser warns that, should this ever actually happen, it’ll spell the end of America for everyone. Doug […]
By JD Heyes
Digital purge underway as Facebook launches campaign to deplatform “extremists” including Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer and others
Without warning, Facebook on Thursday unilaterally banned several people from its platform that the speech Nazi has deemed “controversial” and, as such, not worthy of being heard. In an effort to make it seem as though the lifetime bans were ‘bipartisan,’ Facebook booted conservative pundit Alex Jones along with well-known anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan in what […]
By Ethan Huff
NewsGuard, a shady browser plug-in that censors independent media, found to be running a P.R. front for the human rights violating Saudi regime
A new product created by Microsoft that supposedly differentiates between real and fake news online has been exposed as a propaganda tool tied to none other than Saudi Arabia, arguably the world’s most oppressive theocratic regime. The so-called “NewsGuard” browser plug-in claims to be all about “restoring trust and accountability” to online news content, assigning […]
By Robert Jonathan
Google now says it will block terrorist training content, but isn’t it interesting that Google censored natural medicine websites FIRST?
Google is not exactly going out on limb with an announcement that it will block terrorist content on YouTube, but its new initiative certainly appears commendable from a national and international security perspective. In a Google in Europe blog post authored by its general counsel, the search engine behemoth explained that it is adopting four new guidelines for […]
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