By Ethan Huff
Police “reform” laws will FORCE cops to have “racial quotas” for detaining a certain number of Asians, whites and women
The Biden regime is throwing its support behind the deceptively named George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, which would basically make it a “crime” to be white. Rather than prosecute crimes objectively, police could be obligated under the proposed bill to target more white people, Asians, women and other demographics that, statistically speaking, commit fewer […]
By News Editors
Twitter suspends accounts tweeting in support of J.K. Rowling
Twitter is apparently censoring accounts that tweet in support of famous Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling, while also making additional moves to diminish that support. (Article by Alec Schemmel republished from The day before Rowling released her new book “Troubled Blood,” “#RIPJKRowling” began trending in Twitter’s top spot Monday, giving rise to “#IStandWithJKRowling.” in memory of […]
By News Editors
Boycott sesame street!
Earlier this year we counted on 700,000 loyal CitizenGOers to help us create a media firestorm over Disney’s blatant support of the LGBT lobby’s agenda. (Article republished from I’m asking for your kind and bold support once again. This time, the latest entertainment outlet to lend their support to the LGBT community is the […]
By News Editors
Polish President: LGBT ideology is ‘more destructive’ than communism
Polish President Andrzej Duda has called homosexuality and transgenderism an ideology that is “is even more destructive to the human being” than communism. Poland had been a communist dictatorship after World War II until 1989. (Article by Martin Bürger republished from During a campaign speech, Duda compared the indoctrination that took place during communism […]
By Cassie B.
Amazon won’t let publisher promote book questioning transgender craze, but books in favor of it are perfectly OK
Amazon has suspended the paid ad campaign of a book that questions the recent transgender craze being seen among young girls in the latest example of Big Tech censorship. Regnery Publishing, a prominent conservative publisher, said that Amazon claims the book Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters by Abigail Shrier contains objectionable content […]
By News Editors
YouTube censors ex-transgender for medical information on gender dysphoria
During a panel presentation titled “Summit on Protecting Children from Sexualization,” hosted by the Heritage Foundation, a man who formerly lived as a woman after undergoing medical treatments and surgery and who later experienced regret and returned to living as a man, dared to say children “are not born transgender.” (Article republished from “This […]
By Lance D Johnson
The US Supreme Court just went all-in with transgenderism, and now employers will be required to fund transgender surgeries and grovel to LGBT demands
The landmark civil rights and labor law that went into effect in the United States in 1964 is being rewritten to accost employers and force them to accommodate the desires of a transgender employee or customer. The original text outlawed discrimination of employees based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. However, in a […]
By JD Heyes
Warren staffer busted by Project Veritas: Blasts focus on “identity politics” because “this is why we lose” elections
James O’Keefe and his undercover media operation don’t get nearly enough coverage in the so-called “mainstream media” because they continue to out-scoop one outlet after another with legitimate bombshells. Then again, Project Veritas focuses almost exclusively on exposing Left-wing Democrats, the political and ideological soulmates of many in the mainstream media, so that explains why […]
By JD Heyes
SCIENCE education is being watered down to meet quotas of “more women” in an age when Leftists say the very definition of a woman is meaningless
When you finally figure out that the objective of the modern Left — in America and elsewhere — is to create as much chaos within societies as possible, you can understand why everything they do, every policy for which they advocate, every political ‘remedy’ they push, is one giant exercise in hypocrisy and irony. For […]
By Mike Adams
Same soda companies now pushing transgenderism mutilations of children once promoted sugary soft drinks for infants
The same soda companies that are right now pushing the transgenderism indoctrination and mutilation of children used to run full page ads promoting sugary-laden soft drinks for infants in cribs. As part of an investigation into the deceptive, harmful marketing practices of soda companies, Natural News acquired a 1968 LIFE Magazine issue. Inside, a full […]
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