By JD Heyes
What happened to $37 million in cash from the Clinton Foundation that was supposed to go towards Haiti relief in 2010?
Former investment banker-turned-fraud investigator Charles Ortel has a question he’d like current FBI and Justice Department officials like special counsel Robert Mueller and Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein to answer: Why did the Clinton Foundation send a $37 million grant for the Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund in 2010 to a Baltimore post office box when the CBHF […]
By News Editors
Tom Fitton: Judicial watch has ‘document after document’ proving Clintons have been ‘looting and abusing’ Haiti for years (Video)
Prompted by President Trump’s alleged comments about Haiti being a “s***hole,” Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton took to YouTube this week to go over “document after document,” proving the Clintons have been “looting and abusing,” Haiti for years. (Article by Joshua Caplan republished from TheGatewayPundit.com) Fitton’s report underlines the country has been going through strife, in […]
By JD Heyes
Another Clinton body bag: Former Haitian official “suicided” before he can testify against the Clinton Foundation
The so-called “Clinton body count” continues to grow, this time due to the apparent “suicide” of a former Haitian government official who was set to testify against the Clinton Family Foundation. As reported by Your Newswire, Klaus Eberwein, was found dead recently in a Miami hotel room at the age of 50. The website reported […]
By JD Heyes
Clinton Foundation caught trying to bribe the Senate president of Haiti
The criminal enterprise better known as a “family charity” begun by Bill and Hillary Clinton just got outed again, but given the sea of corruption tied to the Clinton Foundation (and the mainstream media’s lack of interest in reporting Clinton crimes) it’s a good bet most Americans didn’t notice. As picked up by Zero Hedge, […]
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