market crash
By Mike Adams publishes comprehensive list of REAL assets that hold their value through nuclear war, social chaos or global debt collapse
As our world accelerates toward nuclear war, global debt collapse and widespread civil unrest, nearly everyone foolishly holds their assets in electronic form, somehow believing that banks, governments and fiat currencies will magically hold value as the world falls apart. Wise people understand that only REAL assets will survive the next great collapse… and those […]
By Mike Adams
This must-see interview with James Rickards will make you completely rethink your financial preparedness for the coming collapse
This Greg Hunter interview with James Rickards will make you completely rethink your financial preparedness for the coming collapse. James Rickards is extremely intelligent and highly experienced in fiscal dynamics. I strongly recommend all his books, including The New Case for Gold, a must-read book for anyone serious about financial prepping. Rickards was on the front […]
By Mike Adams
Why every new generation is just another mindless herd that gets financially obliterated by another stock market bubble collapse
It’s always amazing to me how easily people suffer from popular delusions and the madness of crowds. Most humans are, in essence, herd animals, meaning that their beliefs, perceptions, behaviors and even their “facts” are determined almost entirely by social conformity rather than evidence of reality. Seemingly unique to humans is the ability to cognitively […]
By Mike Adams
Mind-blowing math animation explains why stock market wealth is an ILLUSION that vanishes in a crash
Almost no one really understands the basics of how the stock market works, and they suffer under the illusion that EVERY stock share is worth the same price as the last share that was traded. (If you’re confused why this isn’t the case, you’ve been lied to… watch the animation below to learn the truth […]
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