Prescription drugs
By Ethan Huff
FDA hoarding 60 million doses of donated hydroxychloroquine that should be going to sick Americans
The American Association of Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) is suing the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for withholding from the public some 60 million doses of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) that were donated by drug manufacturers to treat Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) patients. Currently, these 60 million doses of HCQ are under strict lock and key at […]
By News Editors
Doctors’ group: HCQ-hoarding FDA cares more about power than Americans’ lives
The American Association of Physicians and Surgeons contends the Food and Drug Administration cares more about its power over drug stockpiles than the lives of Americans. (Article republished from The AAPS has sued the FDA for withholding from its Strategic National Stockpile supplies of hydroxychloroquine, a drug that many studies show reduces the impact […]
By Lance D Johnson
The war on Hydroxychloroquine can be traced back to Gilead, the drug maker looking to profit big from Remdesivir
It was beyond strange when the major media networks began to attack a pharmaceutical, especially in the middle of a pandemic. When did the major media networks ever criticize a drug? It turns out that controversial pharmaceutical is a cheap medicine that helps human cells uptake zinc so their immune system can recover from coronavirus […]
By Divina Ramirez
Study: Doctors are PRESSURED to recommend opioids when asked much later in the day
Numerous factors influence the opioid crisis in healthcare, including the lack of holistic treatments for pain relief in mainstream medicine. But the authors of a recent article on opioid use found another startling factor that might be adding to the opioid crisis: the increasing rate of opioid prescribing. Hannah Neprash, an assistant professor at the […]
By Cassie B.
Big Pharma EXPOSED: Study of 3 top medical journals reveals that many medications, medical products and services are completely INEFFECTIVE
If you’ve ever suspected that a medication you’re taking isn’t really doing much to improve your symptoms, it might not just be your imagination: A comprehensive study has shown that a concerning number of medications, medical products and services are simply not effective. A study that was recently published by eLife showed just how poor […]
By Ethan Huff
Defund the hate-spewing media by ending direct-to-consumer drug ads
To fix the problems in society that lead to so-called social injustices – such as the recent George Floyd incident – the leftist mob is insistent that all police departments need to be defunded. But arguably the biggest purveyor of hate that is stirring up the masses to commit heinous acts of violence and destruction […]
By Mike Adams
BOMBSHELL: Leaked conversation of Lancet and NEJM Editors-In-Chief reveals they already know Big Pharma is a “criminal” cartel pushing rigged science for profit
In the aftermath of a stunning incident in which both The Lancet and The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) were forced to retract a study that used laughably faked data to try to destroy the credibility of hydroxychloroquine (and get clinical trials cancelled around the world), details of a secret conversation have leaked, documenting […]
By Ralph Flores
Remdesivir shows “limited benefit” during trial, so why did the FDA approve it?
Remdesivir, the wonder drug touted to treat the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), showed a “limited benefit” in a large trial involving patients exhibiting moderate symptoms. Gilead Sciences released the initial findings of its phase 3 trial Tuesday, saying that remdesivir “improved clinical outcomes by several different measures,” in a statement. A phase 3 trial involves testing the drug on a […]
By Ethan Huff
Trump’s advisors are pushing coronavirus treatments based on PROFITS, not what works… millions may die to appease Big Pharma’s greed
The true agenda of Dr. Anthony Fauci, the current White House health advisor offering guidance on the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis, couldn’t be clearer. And let’s just say that this agenda isn’t exactly a good one. The Obama regime leftover, who bragged a few years back that he’s worked in five different White House administrations, […]
By Ethan Huff
Trump cozies up to Big Pharma and the vaccine industry instead of promoting vitamin D, anti-viral herbs and spices
During a recent press conference, President Trump issued a plea to the pharmaceutical industry to speed up its efforts to unveil a new vaccine for the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19). The Trump administration says that Big Pharma needs to pick up the pace in unleashing the next chemical laden jab for the latest worldwide crisis, emphasizing […]
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