Russian collusion hoax
By Ethan Huff
Was the Russia collusion hoax invented to cover up the truth about the DNC’s “Awan” scandal that funneled U.S. intelligence secrets to Pakistan?
For the past year-and-a-half, Democrats have been obsessed with trying to convince the American public that there was “collusion” between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 election, fueling an endless witch hunt based on nothing but empty conspiracy theories. But it turns out that the whole charade could be serving as a coverup […]
By JD Heyes
Trump’s presidency provides an object lesson on why we MUST have tort reform: It’s a national security issue
The mini-headline on Drudge said it all. In a series of linked stories all related in some way to President Donald J. Trump’s never-ending battles with the Deep State, the #NeverTrumpers and those seeking their 15 minutes of fame were three words: “Lawsuits pile up.” The link led to a CNBC story with the formal […]
By JD Heyes
More proof that Obama was a friend to Russia: Trump’s closure of Moscow’s consulates in San Fran, Seattle, will greatly hamper Kremlin’s intel operations
Democrats in Congress, along with the American Pravda media, continue to push the big, fat lie that President Donald J. Trump’s campaign “colluded” with Russia to “steal the election” from Hillary Clinton. In reality, the more time the passes the more we learn that the Obama administration was one of the most “Russia-friendly” in modern […]
By JD Heyes
FISA memo reveal: Deputy AG Rosenstein, who appointed Mueller to harass Trump, ALSO approved secret surveillance
The massive corruption in Washington, D.C., is like the layers of an onion: The more you peel, the stronger the odor. Over the weekend another piece of the “Trump-Russia collusion” puzzle was revealed: Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, the same figure who approved the appointment of Deep State operative Robert Mueller as “special counsel” to […]
By JD Heyes
Mueller’s quest to interview TRUMP in his bogus probe of “Russian collusion” is a TRAP to ensnare him for “obstruction”
On Tuesday The Washington Post reported that special counsel Robert Mueller wants to interview President Donald J. Trump for, the paper claimed, citing ‘anonymous sources,’ his motivations for firing his first national security advisor, Michael Flynn, and former FBI Director James Comey. “Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is seeking to question President Trump in […]
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