By Ethan Huff
DEBT SUICIDE: Democrats pushing for $3.4 trillion in new “stimulus” money to bail out failing Democrat-run states
CNN‘s Manu Raju recently asked House Speaker Nancy Pelosi what it would take for House Democrats to support the new proposed stimulus deal, and her response was $3.4 trillion in funding for failing states that are going bankrupt, many of which are run by Democrats. Indicating that she has no plans to budge on the […]
By Franz Walker
The swamp spreads: Why is the new virus relief bill funding an expansion of the corrupt FBI?
The Senate GOP’s proposal for the next round of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic relief legislation, has come under fire from some Republican senators for the inclusion of almost $2 billion to construct a new headquarters for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). On Monday, Senate Republicans introduced the Heath, Economic Assistance, Liability Protection and Schools (HEALS) Act, the […]
By Ethan Huff
Pelosi “shoveling money to her friends” with phony coronavirus “relief” bills, warns Ted Cruz
During a recent appearance on the CBS show “Face the Nation,” Texas Senator Ted Cruz blasted Nancy Pelosi for using the so-called coronavirus “relief” bills as taxpayer-funded slush funds for “shoveling money to her friends.” Discussing the latest proposed “aid” package with Margaret Brennan, Cruz indicated that he does not support it because it enriches […]
By Ethan Huff
Gavin Newsom says federal government has “moral” and “ethical” obligation to bail out socialist states that have racked up insurmountable debt
After suffering years of financial mismanagement at the hands of Gavin Newsom, and before him, Jerry Brown, California is now in some deep fiscal trouble. But rather than own up to his mistakes and take responsibility for them, Newsom is instead blaming the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) for his poor leadership while demanding that the federal […]
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